1월 3일, 뉴욕타임스가 이재명 암살미수범의 신상을 아래와 같이 공개했다.
번역하면 다음과 같다.
"경찰에 따르면 용의자는 66세 부동산 업자 김진성이며, 이재명 대표를 살해할 의도로 범행을 저질렀다."
"The police said that the suspect, a 66-year-old real estate agent named Kim Jin-seong, had admitted an intent to kill Mr. Lee. Armed with a court-issued warrant, the police confiscated Mr. Kim’s mobile phone and raided his home and office in Asan, south of Seoul, on Wednesday, as they tried to piece together what might have motivated that attack."
출처 : The New York times, Knife Attack on Opposition Leader Raises Alarms in Polarized South Korea, (2024.1.3.)
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